NT19. Implementation management
International contribution

Increase green ODA including for biodiversity to tackle the global biodiversity crisis and further contribute to global efforts by increasing technical and scientific cooperation projects with international organizations and developing countries.
Action plan tasks
19-1Expand green ODA and science and technology cooperation
- Expanding green ODA to strengthen the role of the “green ladder”
- Boosting science and technology cooperation with international organizations
- Facilitating mutually beneficial joint research on the utilization of biological resources with biodiversity-rich countries
ㅇ Continue to explore opportunities for green ODA projects tailored to the needs of recipient countries to bolster green ODA investments to match the average OECD level by considering two types of models as follows: i) a package-type model for developing countries with strong demand for the green industry where ROK companies can enter their markets by participating in ODA projects, creating a synergistic effect; and ii) a strategic-type model to support the implementation of the GBF in developing countries rich in biodiversity, reinforcing the domestic utilization of species and genetic resources held by these countries. ㅇ Expand ODA in the field of biodiversity by promoting collaboration with private companies, including regularly tapping into the Green Industry Alliance to seek opportunities for biodiversity-related ODA projects in line with the needs of recipient countries such as the protection of endangered species, the management of protected areas and the restoration of degraded areas, and also by cooperating with international organizations such as the IUCN and the AFoCO to identify new biodiversity-related programs linked to the needs of local people in recipient countries.
ㅇ Reinforce information-sharing and cooperation on biodiversity. For example, continue to link the ROK’s biodiversity information to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and accumulate, by 2030, information on the distribution of plants in East Asia. In addition, cooperate, by 2024, with the IUCN to facilitate the assessment and listing of the Red List, participate in the Green List, identify OECMs and develop a platform to share knowledge and information and facilitate learning on biodiversity conservation. Moreover, strengthen collaboration with East Asian cooperation networks for flora, fauna and protected areas through efforts such as joint research, education and promotional activities. ㅇ Contribute to biodiversity conservation and capacity building in developing countries by continuing to support science and technology cooperation initiatives under the MOU with the CBD Secretariat. ㅇ Build a collaborative system and support an information-sharing platform centered on the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) to enhance the safety management of LMOs in Asia.
ㅇ Expand joint projects to identify unutilized useful biological resources with biodiversity-rich developing countries by increasing the number of collaborating countries from 11 in 2023 to 15 in 2030. ㅇ Support domestic bio companies by providing them with scientifically verified overseas materials that are under joint patent rights to facilitate joint commercialization to develop cosmetics, functional health foods and/or medicines including products related to hair loss inhibition, anti-obesity, anti-arthritis, wrinkle improvement or eco-friendly pesticides with an aim to acquire 20 patents by 2030. -
19-2Enhance responses and implementation of international agreements
- Responding to discussions on international agreements
- Reinforcing domestic implementation of international agreements
- Responding to international maritime agreements
ㅇ Expand cross-ministerial and expert consultations and improve relevant domestic regulations for implementation to respond to key CBD issues with significant impacts on industries such as DSI benefit-sharing and synthetic biology. ㅇ Respond to ongoing discussions on benefit-sharing of agricultural genetic resources and genetic information by the ITPGRFA. ㅇ Analyze the impact of joining the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CMS) on the utilization of domestic marine species by 2025, and proceed with accession in 2026.
ㅇ Expedite domestic implementation of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), including the listing of new internationally endangered species, species permitted for artificial propagation and revisions to breeding regulations. ㅇ Continue to expand support for Ramsar-listed wetlands and Ramsar Wetland Cities as a leading country in wetland management. ㅇ Actively utilize existing cooperation systems such as the Tripartite Policy Dialogue on Biodiversity between Korea, China and Japan and the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), and enhance sharing of ecological information.
ㅇ Improve, by 2024, domestic laws and systems and develop a roadmap for implementation in order to promptly ratify and respond to the BBNJ Treaty adopted in June 2023.