NT14. Sustainable consumption
Sustainable business and production

Take measures to accelerate the processes for assessment and publication of the risks, dependencies and impacts of businesses on the nature, and provide technical support for sustainable production and enhance the regulations for recycling.
Action plan tasks
14-1Encourage the disclosure and publication of biodiversity-related information
- Helping companies disclose biodiversity-related information
- Improving support for companies to increase their biodiversity considerations
ㅇ By 2025, prepare guidelines for developing the TNFD standard guidelines for each industry classification based on TNFD recommendations* , mutatis mutandis, and apply them in the ROK. Furthermore, establish a standardized system for the disclosure of natural capital in the country by making improvements to the guidelines on a continual basis, reflecting the ESG and TNFD changes and the needs of companies and financial institutions. * The TNFD recommendations identified 10 sectors (9 non-financial and 1 financial) and proposed 34 industry classifications. ㅇ Establish and operate the Taskforce on the Promotion of Natural Capital Disclosures in collaboration with the IUCN and the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KOCHAM) from 2024, share information on pilot natural capital disclosure reports* and examples of natural capital disclosures by companies and financial institutions, and provide consulting and professional capacity-building training programs to strengthen the capabilities of companies and financial institutions. Moreover, encourage companies to disclose information on natural capital to increase the share of companies disclosing such information from 30% in 2027 to 50% in 2030 by identifying and promoting the best TNFD-related practices and raising awareness among investors and the public. * A pilot project will be conducted on the preparation of disclosure reports after signing MOUs with companies participating in the Biz N Biodiversity Platform (BNBP) and TNFD members. ㅇ Develop and align the Integrated Information Management System for Ecosystems and Climate Responses from 2023 to 2027 to provide customized ecological information in a step-by-step manner with a view to supporting the assessment of nature dependence and impacts of corporate activities.
ㅇ Analyze economic activities related to the six environmental objectives of the EU’s Green Taxonomy and derive, by 2024, a revised version applicable to the ROK including economic activities related to the protection of biodiversity. ㅇ By 2024, establish and operate an expert taskforce for each environmental objective to prepare detailed criteria for biodiversity-related environmental objectives in the Green Taxonomy of the ROK. ㅇ By 2026, include the awarding of extra points for the enhancement of biodiversity, such as protecting habitats of endangered species near business sites and creating ecological forests, in the existing criteria for designating green companies, including reducing pollutants and saving resources and energy. ㅇ By 2025, develop ESG guidelines for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and middle market enterprises (MMEs). -
14-2Help build eco-friendly supply chains and increase recycling
- Increasing the number of eco-labelled products and developing baseline information on Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)
- Facilitating sustainable production among companies by promoting waste recycling
ㅇ Identify at least five new high-demand, everyday products* eligible for eco-labelling each year that are extremely effective in improving the environment, such as minimizing ecological impacts and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, by conducting marketability reviews and consumer and distributor surveys and gathering expert opinions. In addition, develop, by 2027, new certification criteria for reducing environmental burdens, such as decreasing the use of harmful substances and reducing the emission of pollutants that contaminate air, water and soil, to support companies in producing eco-friendly products. * The candidate products for eco-labelling include electronic whiteboards, cooking appliances, air fryers, hair dryers, cleaning services and shared offices. ㅇ Develop 150 baseline data on main industrial production goods each year until the number of data reaches approximately 1,000 by 2030 to help calculate greenhouse gas emissions and ecological data related to the production of a company's products, thus laying the foundation for the management of eco-friendly product supply chains.
ㅇ Add new criteria such as weight to the existing packaging recyclability assessment scheme, whose criteria currently include material, structure and ease of use, and strengthen the effectiveness of the assessment. In addition, encourage the transition from incineration recycling (e.g. heat recovery and solid fuel) into high-quality material and chemical recycling (e.g. pyrolysis) by revamping the recycling subsidy system. Furthermore, select and support product lines that utilize biodegradable plastics in consideration of their environmental benefits, and continue to increase the criteria for biomass plastic content for eco-labelling certification from 40% in 2022 to 100% in 2050. ㅇ Help a marine debris sorting system take root and create 12 smart collection sites to enable the stable supply of raw materials and invigorate the high-value recycling market.