NT15. Biosafety measures
Sustainable consumption

Revise the regulations on sustainable consumption, and reduce food waste and waste generation and increase consumption of green products through improved education and access to information.
Action plan tasks
15-1Promote green consumption
- Encouraging green purchasing in the public sector
- Raising public awareness and promoting the practice of green consumption
ㅇ Increase the total amount of mandatory purchasing of green products by public organizations from KRW 4.45 trillion in 2020 to KRW 6.44 trillion in 2025. ㅇ Raise the number of designated “green stores” in the country from 620 in 2020 to 825 in 2025 to facilitate the dissemination of eco-friendly products and promote the spread of the culture of green consumption. ㅇ Conduct research on how to incorporate eco-friendly agricultural products (organic and pesticide-free certified agricultural products) into green products from 2024 based on quantitative data on the effect of greenhouse gas reduction of eco-friendly agricultural products. In addition, promote the spread of eco-friendly agriculture and expand purchases of eco-friendly agricultural products by public organizations, including local governments and public corporations.
ㅇ Expand local Green Purchase Support Centers (GPSCs) nationwide from 10 centers in 2023 to 17 in 2030 covering all metropolitan cities and provinces with the aim of strengthening the foundation for eco-friendly consumption practices in the private sector and promoting green purchasing. ㅇ Expand green consumer training designed to help achieve carbon neutrality, provided to 55,000 people in 2020, to 85,000 people in 2025, targeting everyone including children, teenagers and adults in order to promote the practice of eco-friendly consumption culture. In addition, expand the public promotion and campaign activities on carbon neutrality, including the Bye Bye Plastic campaign launched on June 5, 2023, to reduce the consumption of unnecessary plastic products and encourage the practice of “good consumption” as well as a series of inspirational environmental campaigns such as the Zero Disposables Challenge and the 100 Points for Reducing Disposables Challenge, which invite participants to take part in the challenges and post pictures or videos of them reducing the use of disposables in their daily life, with the aim of increasing the number of participants from 345,000 in 2021 to 550,000 in 2025. -
15-2Reduce the generation of waste including food waste
- Strengthening the foundation for the reduction of food waste
- Providing customized promotion and education to each source of food waste
- Supporting the reduction of waste among businesses participating in the resource circulation performance management program
ㅇ Strengthen annual evaluations of the reduction of food waste, plans to restrain the generation of food waste and relevant achievements at all levels of local governments including metropolitan local governments (17 metropolitan cities and provinces) and basic local governments (229 cities, counties and districts), and provide incentives to outstanding local governments. ㅇ Increase the proportion of local governments that introduced the RFID-based food waste management system for apartment buildings from 45% in 2022 to 60% in 2027, and facilitate the reduction of food waste-generating sites through stable operation and management. - Promote the dissemination of the RFID-based pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) system by providing technical and service support such as the introduction, installation and operation of relevant equipment. ㅇ Encourage the reduction of food waste with the introduction of a management system for businesses that produce large amounts of food waste by establishing an online information management system for the generation, transportation and treatment of food waste in 2024, piloting it to test the system in 2025 and starting its operation by establishing a legal basis in 2026.
ㅇ Facilitate the reduction of food waste generation by encouraging people in local communities, restaurants, businesses that produce large amounts of food waste and schools to participate in improving the existing food culture and raising public awareness through enhanced consulting, campaigns and promotional activities, utilizing local networks of universities, private organizations and local governments.
ㅇ Provide consulting and support for the installation of waste reduction facilities to help businesses participating in the resource circulation performance management program* achieve resource circulation targets. * Establish and manage resource circulation targets for large waste generators (businesses that generate more than 1,000 metric tons of waste (or 100 metric tons of designated waste) per year from 18 industries), increase the resource circulation usage rate and curb final disposal of waste. ㅇ Provide support to SMEs and MMEs for the installation of facilities to reduce waste and improve processes, and offer industry-specific technical diagnosis and guidance.
Domestic resource consumption per capita -
Domestic material consumption per capita -
Indicator on food waste reduction -
Amount of household waste generated -
Percentage and amount of green purchasing in the public sector