NT16. Harmful and positive incentives
Biosafety measures

Minimize the negative impact of living modified organisms, assess possibility of threats from organisms and their metabolites created by new biotechnologies, and improve communication related to biosafety.
Action plan tasks
16-1Enhance the effectiveness of LMO safety management and improve the relevant system
- Strengthening LMO safety management
- Improving the LMO management system
Responsible ministries for LMOs: MOTIE (for industrial use), MSIT (for testing and research), MAFRA (for agricultural, forestry and livestock use), MOHW (for healthcare), MOF (for marine and fisheries), ME (for environmental cleanup), and MFDS (for food and medical devices) Year MOTIE MISIT MAFRA ME 2023 1 2 1 - 2024 1 2 1 2 2025 1 1 1 2 2026 1 1 1 2 2027 1 1 1 2
ㅇ Recognize the internationally accredited new KOLAS (Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme) test reports* and renew the report every three years to increase reliability. In addition, enable the ME to facilitate the localization of relevant technologies by ensuring that the ministry maintains LMO detection technologies as 100% internal.
* Cumulative number of KOLAS test reports recognized
Year MAFRA ME 2023 1 1 2024 4 1 2025 4 1 2026 4 1 2027 5 1
ㅇ Improve and revise the Transboundary Movement of Living Modified Organisms Act and related joint notifications at least once a year to clarify the purposes of LMO use and the roles of competent ministries and local governments. ㅇ Proceed with necessary work, step by step, to discuss ratification of the Nagoya–Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress in 2026. -
16-2Respond to risks associated with emerging biotechnologies
- Responding to international negotiations on emerging biotechnologies and making institutional improvements
- Building the safety management foundation to respond to emerging biotechnologies
ㅇ Involve domestic experts in online forums, multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Expert Groups (MTEGs), the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) and other forums operated by the CBD and the Cartagena Protocol related to synthetic biology from 2024, and monitor their trends. ㅇ Identify global R&D and commercialization trends for organisms developed with emerging biotechnologies and their products and promote research and systems related to domestic safety management measures from 2024.
ㅇ Develop technologies to respond to the safety management of emerging biotechnologies such as risk assessment technologies and detection techniques* for LMOs containing products derived from biotechnology, agricultural product risk assessment technologies using genomic big data and equivalence test technologies based on crop content analyses. * Number of risk assessment evaluation technologYear MAFRA ME MOF 2023 - 4 - 2024 - 4 - 2025 - 4 1 2026 1 4 - 2027 - 4 - -
16-3Raise biosafety awareness
- Increasing biosafety-related information-sharing and communication
- Strengthening public engagement on biosafety
ㅇ Facilitate the operation of biosafety portals operated by relevant ministries to provide customized information on LMOs to users and support two-way communication including citizen engagement.Year Relevant portals MOTIE Korea Biosafety Clearing House (www.biosafety.or.kr)
- Upload 50 pieces of information to the GMO portal every year, increasing the number of registered information from 900 in 2023 to 1,150 in 2028.MSIT LMO Information System (www.lmosafety.or.kr/tool) MAFRA LMOs for agriculture and forestry (www.naas.go.kr) ME LMO-related information system (lesc.nie.re.kr) MOF LMO clearing house to be established in 2026
ㅇ Strengthen the public's right to know by publicizing biosafety-related risk assessment information and the results of meetings between ministries responsible for safety management via various communication channels such as the biennial public awareness surveys, social networking sites and YouTube, while bolstering biosafety awareness training* for a wide range of stakeholders. * Number of trainings designed to raise awareness of biosafety
Year No. of biosafety trainings 2023 87 2024 133 2025 133 2026 149 >2027 150 >
ㅇ Conduct joint investigations* involving civil society organizations in environmental monitoring activities targeting companies that handle LMOs, unauthorized LMO sites and natural ecosystems. * Number of joint investigations involving civil society organizationsYear MAFRA ME 2023-2026 3 3 2027-6 3 5
ㅇ Expand participatory safety management programs such as public competitions and cyber watchdogs for illegal distribution* . Review the criteria and methods for public input on the LMO approval process and amend the Transboundary Movement of Living Modified Organisms Act where necessary.
* Number of participatory safety management programs
Year MISIT MOF 2023 3 - 2024 3 1
Number of environmental risk assessments of products derived from LMOs and new biotechnologies (assessment management) -
Number of legal and institutional improvements introduced -
Number of risk assessments and safety management guidelines developed