NT12. Benefit sharing of genetic resources
Implementation management

Increase education, public promotion activities, and research on biodiversity and enhance the support and review system for the effective implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy.
Action plan tasks
20-1Enhance NBSAP implementation monitoring and ensure transparent disclosure
- Strengthening the management of NBSAP implementation
ㅇ Bolster the feedback system for the entire NBSAP process, ranging from development, implementation and mon` itoring, assessment, reporting to revision from 2024. To this end, conduct annual assessments of implementation by ministerial consultative bodies, experts and civil society, and lay out detailed biennial ministry-level action plans reflecting the results of the assessment. ㅇ Strengthen the function of the National Biodiversity Center by amending the Biodiversity Act in 2024 to specify the roles of the center (i.e. collecting, verifying and disclosing biodiversity statistics) and the obligation to prepare national reports. In addition, establish a relevant taskforce and build a system for information integration and implementation monitoring. ㅇ From 2024, disclose information on the country’s progress of implementation of the NBSAP domestically and internationally through the CBD-CHM Korea, the ROK's national biodiversity clearing house (www.kbr.go.kr), and hold regular forums to review the implementation of each strategic goal.
20-2Raise biodiversity awareness and education
- Enhancing environmental education programs in schools
- Expanding biodiversity awareness among opinion leaders
- Facilitating educational nature exploration programs for the public
ㅇ Adopt biodiversity-related topics more widely when developing new environmental education programs for elementary and middle school students from 2024. In addition, develop a Guide to Activities to Promote Biodiversity in Everyday Life to raise awareness of biodiversity among students from 2025.
ㅇ Promote education and publicity to raise awareness of the importance of the conservation of the natural environment among the public and local residents in cooperation with religious organizations, media and civil society organizations.
ㅇ Continue to operate nature and wildlife exploration programs for families, including the hands-on nature exploration program for adults run by the MSIT, as well as exploration programs such as the Nature Expedition and the Island Ecology Expedition and educational programs such as the Outreach Lecturers and the Class on the Go operated by the MOF. In addition, continue to introduce new educational programs on biodiversity and make them available via the online platform of the National Marine Environment Education Center. -
20-3Expand biodiversity research
- Expanding research on biodiversity conservation and utilization
- Strengthening research and development to ensure stable supplies of biomaterials
ㅇ Strengthen research on the utilization of biodiversity such as technologies related to health, energy, biomaterials and food development to raise the level of biotechnology from 77.9% of that of developed countries in 2020 to 85% by 2030. ㅇ By 2030, expand basic research on the conservation and restoration of core ecosystems, the management of nationally protected species and the analysis and evaluation of genetic diversity to strengthen ecological safety nets. In particular, focus on developing environmental restoration technology for each type of ecosystem, eco-friendly materials derived from biological resources, and wildlife resource exploration and utilization technologies. ㅇ By 2030, increase investment in research in areas that require responses to future changes in the environment such as wildlife-borne disease management and insect outbreaks.
ㅇ Study ways to increase the supply of biomaterials and share information on the usefulness of biological resources. * Increase the cumulative number of species for which mass propagation technologies are developed and standardized from 13 species in 2023 to 174 species in 2030.2023 (cumulative) 2030 (cumulative) No. of information resources gathered) 9,236 15,000 No. of materials secured 15,000 400,000
Indicator on biodiversity information for GBF monitoring -
Biodiversity awareness -
Number of educational programs on biodiversity in schools -
Research and development budget for science and technology related to biodiversity