NT12. Benefit sharing of genetic resources
Benefit sharing of genetic resources

Increase monetary and non-monetary benefits from the use of genetic resources by improving the regulations on the access and benefit sharing, raising awareness and building capacity, and develop a system to handle benefit sharing from the use of digital sequence information.
Action plan tasks
12-1Improve the access and benefit-sharing mechanism for genetic resources
- Improving the access and benefit-sharing mechanism for genetic resources
- Responding to discussions on the sharing of benefits arising from DSI
ㅇ Improve the laws and regulations of relevant ministries related to the reporting of access to genetic resources in the ROK, streamline the process of reporting and clarify the reporting targets for non-commercial research activities. Revamp related systems such as the system for grading marine and fisheries bio-resources based on their economic, ecological and scientific value and the system for granting permits for out-of-country transportation, while implementing the Act on the Promotion of Collection, Management, and Utilization of Pathogen Resources and the Comprehensive Plan for the Management of Pathogen Resources (2021-2025). ㅇ Upgrade, by 2028, the benefit-sharing mechanism by developing criteria for monetary and non-monetary benefit-sharing for benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources. ㅇ Prepare a Handbook on the Access and Benefit-Sharing of Genetic Resources by 2024, and a Guideline on Access and Compliance Reporting for working-level practitioners at relevant ministries by 2025.
ㅇ Prepare for the domestic implementation of the multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism for DSI by jointly analyzing the impact of the multilateral mechanism on the country and collecting opinions on DSI benefit-sharing from industry and academia from 2024. Add more explanations and guiding information on DSI to the Integrated Reporting Service for Genetic Resources and provide relevant administrative services to researchers and industries that publish and use DSI to help them adopt the mechanism in a smooth manner. ㅇ Jointly respond and collaborate on aligning the DSI benefit-sharing agenda with other treaties such as the Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA), the WHO Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIPF) and WIPO treaties. -
12-2Raise awareness of and build capacity in benefit-sharing of genetic resources
- Enhancing ABS awareness-raising and capacity-building activities
- Strengthening support for relevant industries in response to ABS
- Facilitating the utilization of the Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House (ABSCH)
ㅇ Regularly publish and distribute fact sheets or newsletters on the Nagoya Protocol along with the latest trends at home and abroad by each ministry. ㅇ Enhance real-time ABS consultations and training for researchers and experts available at each ministry.
ㅇ To strengthen cooperation, hold two meetings per year of the Council of Bio Industry Associations, which comprises the Korea Biotechnology Industry Organization (KoreaBio), the Korean Cosmetic Association (KCA), the Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association (KPBMA), the Korea Health Functional Food Association (KHFF), the Korea Pharmaceutical Traders Association (KPTA) and the Korean Seed Association (KOSA). ㅇ Provide customized consulting services to the bio industry 45 times a year, conduct capacity-building training for ABS-related legal support groups twice a year, and operate a legal support network in 10 countries outside the ROK. - Hold information and training sessions on ABS regulatory trends in major countries (e.g. China, Brazil) and discuss measures to respond to such trends. ㅇ Set up a promotion and consulting booth at bio industry-related fairs twice a year.
ㅇ Provide relevant public services such as information on domestic species that may be used in place of imported species, materials for localization and institutions that own such species or materials by connecting to the National Biodiversity Clearing-House (CBD-CHM Korea) from 2026. ㅇ By 2026, improve the system to provide electronic reporting services and issue e-certificates, making it more accessible to users and reducing the processing time.