NT10. Ecosystem services
Ecosystem services

Establish a national ecosystem service assessment and management system, maintain or increase benefits the nature provides to people, and promote the use of nature-based solutions for the prevention of and restoration from natural disasters.
Action plan tasks
10-1Assess, manage and promote ecosystem services
- Expanding the foundation for ecosystem service assessment and utilization
- Promoting consideration of ecosystem services by local governments
- Raising awareness and public participation in ecosystem service assessment
ㅇ Establish and publish detailed guidelines on procedures, items, methods and utilization of ecosystem service assessment in 2025 to secure reliability and legitimacy. In addition, publish the national ecosystem service assessment report every five years, starting with the first report in 2025. Moreover, support policy decision-making for sustainable management of natural resources in the country through the creation of ecosystem service assessment maps and integrated management of information. ㅇ Analyze time series changes and factors of threats to ecosystem services from 2025, and prepare strategies to conserve and enhance national ecosystem values by 2029 by expanding the reflection of ecosystem service assessment results and measures to enhance ecosystem services according to the changes in ecological values in the mid- to long-term plans for the natural sector and according to the environmental plans for each local government. ㅇ By 2025, prepare guidelines and maps for the assessment of forest ecosystem services to develop decision-making tools to identify the changes in ecosystem services caused by forest management and to enhance forest ecosystem services.
ㅇ Designate protected areas and OECMs or areas where ecological restoration can improve the value of the local ecosystem and revitalize the local economy as an Ecosystem Service Promotion Zone, and increase the number of designated zones to 20 by 2030. In addition, provide support and link these zones to infrastructure for ecotourism, recreation and healing. ㅇ Evaluate the status of maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem services by local governments in 2025, and establish a compensation system for active conservation of ecosystem services to recognize and support outstanding local governments.
ㅇ From 2025, expand public participatory programs such as creating urban vegetable gardens and planting trees in damaged areas to provide people with opportunities to discover outstanding ecological assets in their everyday lives and participate in the valuation of ecosystem services. ㅇ Conduct regular surveys on public satisfaction and awareness of ecosystem benefits to determine the effectiveness of policies. -
10-2Prevent and recover from disasters with NbS
- Strengthening the management of disaster-prone areas
- Expanding green infrastructure to prevent disasters in city centers
- Applying NbS to river restoration
ㅇ Designate and manage areas that require disaster prevention efforts by placing construction restrictions within disaster-prone areas such as coastal areas, riversides and steep slopes where land is almost not at all used as natural disaster prevention areas. ㅇ Discourage the construction of buildings that may hinder the prevention of disasters such as wind and water disasters, landslides, ground collapse and earthquakes.
ㅇ From 2024, increase the types of development project areas subject to environmental impact assessments to which an ecological area ratio is applied by recognizing various rooftop greening methods such as vegetated retaining walls, and prepare follow-up measures for management. ㅇ Expand water absorption sources, convert impermeable pavements to permeable ones, and continue to facilitate rooftop greening in order to reduce damage from floods and heat-waves. ㅇ Apply and promote low-impact development (LID) techniques such as bioretention, green roofs, tree box filters, planter boxes, bioswales, bioslopes and permeable paving to reduce urban flooding.
ㅇ Identify the ecological structure and functions of the areas to be restored and prepare guidelines for the NbS restoration to be applied in those areas in 2025. ㅇ Purchase riverside lands to protect the quality of river waters and launch pilot projects to restore streamside reservoirs, flood plains and creeks.