

“Species requiring transportation permit to leave Korea” refer to biological resources that, due to their high conservation value for biodiversity, are subject to approval from the Minister of Environment for outbound transfer, as stipulated by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.

Designation of Protected

지정현황으로 계, 파충류, 어류, 양서류, 곤충류, 거미류, 연체동물, 기타무척추동물, 식물, 해조류, 균류, 지의류를 포함하고 있습니다.
Total Amphibians Fishes Reptiles Insects Arachnid Mollusca Invertebratesexcluding Plant Seaweed Fungi Lichen
5,814 - 82 - 2,167 490 406 763 1,117 303 476 10