

The term "endangered wildlife" means any of the following species prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment after consulting with the heads of relevant central administrative agencies:

  • Class I endangered wildlife
    Wildlife threatened with extinction as the population has decreased substantially due to natural or artificial threats, the species of which meet the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree;
  • Class II endangered wildlife
    Wildlife the population of which has decreased substantially due to natural or artificial threats and which are threatened with imminent extinction where present threats are not eliminated or alleviated, and the species of which meet the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree;

Designation of Protected

지정현황으로 계, 포유류, 조류, 양서류·파충류, 어류, 곤충류, 무척추동물, 육상식물, 해조류, 고등균류를 포함하고 있습니다.
Classification Total Mammals Birds Reptiles·Amphibians Fishes Insects Invertebrates land plant Seaweed Higher fungi
Total 267 20 63 8 27 26 32 88 2 1
Class I endangered wildlife 60 12 14 2 11 6 4 11 - -
Class II endangered wildlife 207 8 49 6 16 20 28 77 2 1