NT13. Biodiversity mainstreaming
Biodiversity mainstreaming

Ensure that biodiversity and its values are integrated across all sectors and that the natural capital accounting is standardized and utilized.
Action plan tasks
13-1Incorporate biodiversity into national policies and accounting
- Reflecting biodiversity values in statutory plans
- Developing a national natural capital accounting framework
- Establishing and conducting pilot evaluation of the ecosystem accounting framework
ㅇ Develop a standardized tool to identify and evaluate statutory plans that affect biodiversity by 2025, and assess and monitor whether the NBSAP is incorporated in these plans from 2026. - Conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation of the rationale, goals and tasks of the statutory plans, and make recommendations to ensure that the goals and tasks of the 5th NBSAP are integrated into the statutory plans when developing and revising the plans.
ㅇ Establish and operate a taskforce consisting of relevant ministries and experts to develop a national natural capital accounting framework* from 2025, and develop, by 2030, measures to enable the systematic management of natural capital by designating natural capital-related statistics such as land cover maps, the values of ecosystem services, and the Red List of ecosystems as nationally approved statistics. * Stages of the development of the national capital accounting framework Stage 1: Scale of ecosystem Stage 2: Health of ecosystem Stage 3: Values of ecosystem services (types) Stage 4: Values of ecosystem services (costs) Stage 5: Monetization
ㅇ Start a pilot implementation of Ecosystem Accounting* within the SEEA using the EU Ecosystem Accounting system as a reference in 2028. * The Ecosystem Accounting is a satellite accounting system of the SEEA and a standardized accounting framework that integrates ecological assets with ecosystem services. ㅇ Establish and improve an integrated assessment system and database for monitoring the status and changes in ecosystem accounts for the valuation (monetization) of ecological assets and ecosystem services and expand the assessment system in 2030. * Monitoring is conducted by evaluating the status and changes in the scale (size) and condition of ecosystem and the values and monetization of ecosystem services on an annual basis.