NT1. Spatial planning
Spatial planning

Establish effective management system for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and prevent the loss of biodiversity in areas biologically and ecologically important, through terrestrial and marine spatial planning.
Action plan tasks
1-1Ensure integrated, biodiversity-inclusive spatial planning
- Promoting the integrated management of national territorial and environmental planning that includes environmental considerations
- Improving the quality of environmental thematic maps and increasing their use in spatial planning
- Establishing a support system for space-based decision-making
ㅇ Align national territorial plans with environmental conservation plans at different administrative levels by revising relevant regulations to clearly indicate biodiversity considerations and by building the institutional base for environmental planning at the local government level.
ㅇ Incorporate spatial environmental data into plans and projects to restore key spatial ecological axes from 2024, in order to ensure connectivity between areas of high ecological value.
ㅇ Lay the institutional groundwork from 2025 to enable the use of biotope maps in the planning of development activities.
ㅇ Develop a guideline on the use of the National Environmental Zoning Map to be used as a reference for development plans or environmental impact assessments from 2024, and update the map’s ecological data on a yearly basis to improve its accuracy by 2027.
ㅇ Introduce advanced survey tools for the Ecosystem and Nature Map, including electronic maps and drones and ensure the maps’ quality by employing new survey methods, such as engaging citizen scientists.
ㅇ Expand the current three-level classification system of the Marine Ecology Map to incorporate additional levels, in order to encourage its use in policy development.
ㅇ Ensure that biodiversity considerations are reflected in policy decision-making processes, such as urban planning reviews, by making spatial environmental data available on national environment information platforms.
ㅇ Establish a dedicated help desk named “Support Center for Integrated Management of National Territorial and Environmental Planning” aimed at providing consulting services and training on spatial data, covering the entire spectrum from data collection to planning. -
1-2Enhance assessment systems for areas of biological and ecological importance
- Developing the Korean version of the Red List of Ecosystems and encouraging its use
- Improving the assessment framework of the National Environmental Zoning Map and its linkage to RLE
- Laying the groundwork to evaluate the connectivity of terrestrial and marine ecosystems
ㅇ By 2026, introduce the Korean version of the Red List of Ecosystems (RLE)* , a global standard for assessing the health of and risks to ecosystems. * Each ecosystem is assigned one of the standard categories based on observations of its health conditions and threat levels. The results are used to inform the development of effective tools to mitigate biodiversity loss. ㅇ By 2026, develop guidelines on TNFD assessment* based on the RLE criteria to evaluate the impact of corporate activities on ecosystems. * The guidelines will include biodiversity-positive approaches, such as creating alternative habitats for vulnerable species and restoring forests. ㅇ From 2026, trial the implementation of a conservation approach that considers RLE assessment results in public development projects to maintain the total amount of biodiversity, and encourage the voluntary adoption of the approach by the private sector.
ㅇ Incorporate the geographical and functional features of ecosystems into the environmental and ecological evaluation criteria* of the National Environmental Zoning Map. * The existing 8 criteria are diversity, naturality, abundance, rarity, stability of community structure, connectedness, potential and vulnerability. ㅇ By 2027, develop 10 new indicators* for assessing the value of habitats, taking RLE into account. * The existing 10 indicators include wetland assessment classification, Regional Ecological Axes, vegetation conservation classification, forest type map (diameter class and age class), while the 10 new ones include habitats of endangered species, health of aquatic ecosystems, and RLE criteria.
ㅇ By 2025, develop a connectedness index for key terrestrial ecological axes and areas of biological and ecological importance and use it to designate protected areas and identify target areas for ecosystem restoration. ㅇ By 2025, integrate all data related to marine ecosystems and environments and build a connectedness assessment system to manage the Marine Ecological Axes.