What is the CBD-CHM KOREA?

  • CBD-CHM KOREA’ : A website established as part of the Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM) * under the Convention on Biological Diversity and, providing comprehensive biodiversity information
    Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM): A collaborative framework for sharing a country’s biodiversity information with diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, research institutions, universities, and non-governmental organizations
  • In 2006, at the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Brazil, a strategic plan was adopted to encourage the creation of national CHM platforms by 2010.
  • In 2008, during the ninth COP meeting held in Germany, recommendations were made to develop CHM implementation strategies, establish dedicated CHM websites, and form inter-institutional steering committees involving relevant biodiversity organizations.
  • The Ministry of Environment in Korea, serving as the national CHM focal point, launched the CBD-CHM Korea website to offer comprehensive information on Korea's ecosystems, biodiversity research, related laws and policies, and major conservation activities.

National focal point

  • The Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM) emphasizes broad participation and easy accessibility.
  • To achieve this, databases must be designed to incorporate both traditional publications and reports, as well as modern electronic communication methods.
  • The CBD Secretariat requested each country to establish a CHM national focal point.
  • In Korea, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were designated as the national focal points.
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders were encouraged to share biodiversity-related information with one another.
  • Regional organizations, including the European Union (E.U.), are working to develop information-sharing platforms centered around key thematic areas.

Knowledge Sharing and Key Activities

  • The CHM facilitates cooperation in key areas such as decision-making, training and capacity-building, academic research, funding, technology transfer, and information sharing.
  • It supports thematic and multi-disciplinary programs under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
  • The CHM aims to make the official records of the CBD accessible to all.
  • By sharing information from experts across various fields, the CHM fosters enhanced cooperation in technology and science.
  • The CHM enhances public understanding by introducing programs and projects related to the CBD.
  • It enables countries to foster cooperation through education and training projects, research collaborations, funding opportunities, technology access and transfer, and information sharing.
  • The CHM provides a collaborative framework that enables experts to engage in joint work programs.
  • The Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) and CBD’s science-related advisory groups (e.g., SBSTTA) working together to establish an Invasive Species Management Committee.
  • The CHM promotes comprehensive and systematic biodiversity conservation by sharing biodiversity information from each country and fostering international cooperation.