Targets and Indicators home National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) Targets and Indicators print Goal.1Decrease threats to biodiversity 01 Spatial planning 02 Ecosystem restoration 03 Protected area 04 Species and genetic diversity 05 Sustainable use of wild species 06 Invasive alien species 07 Pollution 08 Climate change Goal.2Increase sustainable use and benefit sharing 09 Sustainable management 10 Ecosystem services 11 Urban blue and green space 12 Benefit sharing of genetic resources Goal.3Enhance means for implementation and mainstreaming 13 Biodiversity mainstreaming 14 Sustainable business and production 15 Sustainable consumption 16 Biosafety measures 17 Harmful and positive incentives 18 Resource mobilization 19 International contribution 20 Implementation management 21 Stakeholder engagement